Sport (Basketball Elite Performance) Level 3

Start Date
Course Course
Hillsborough Campus

About this Course

This elite basketball course is a player development programme for learners aged between 16-19, which combines top-level basketball training and academic education. If you have a passion for basketball or have ambitions of going far in the game, this is the course for you.

Key Units

Anatomy and Physiology in Sport

Explore the structure and function of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems and also learn the fundamentals of the energy systems linked to basketball performance.


Fitness Testing

Gain an understanding of fitness testing and the importance of health screening and health monitoring tests. Complete basketball related fitness tests tracking your progress throughout the year.


Training and Programming

Plan fitness training sessions and design fitness training programmes to improve basketball performance.


Outdoor Adventure Activities

Participate in exciting activities in the outdoors, learning and applying practical skills and techniques, further developing your leadership skills and qualities that will help you on and off the court.


Safe and Effective Sport Coaching

Gain knowledge of the roles, responsibilities, skills and techniques of a basketball coach and how to apply them whilst coaching and/or leading basketball sessions.

Sport Leadership

Study what makes a good leader, the different capacities of this role, and the leadership skills and techniques necessary when leading activities in different roles.


Sports Injuries

Gain an overview of injury prevention, identification and basic treatment. The unit also explores differing rehabilitatory interventions for common basketball injuries.


Sports Nutrition

Gain a broad understanding of the importance of nutrition and hydration to a basketball performance.


Sport Psychology

Develop your understanding of how psychology can be applied to basketball performance and exercise environments.


Tactical and Technical Sport Skills

Assess your own and others technical and tactical skills, and plan your own basketball development.


Practical Team Sports

Explore the skills, techniques, tactics and rules of basketball (and one other sport) through practical participation.

Entry Requirements

5 GCSEs at grade A* - C / grade 4 or above (or acceptable alternatives) including English Language.

A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check is also required and will be carried out at the start of the course.  


BTEC Sport courses are assessed mostly by coursework and practical assessments, however there will also be some exams.

Where does this Lead

Successful students may progress to our Foundation Degree in Sport & Exercise Coaching or other university/higher education courses in areas such as:

  • physical education
  • teaching
  • leisure and recreation management
  • events management
  • sports development and coaching
This course is accepted for entry to university and attracts UCAS tariff points equivalent to 3 A Levels.

Elite players will be provided support in applying for basketball scholarships in both the US and Europe.

Future Opportunities

Areas of progression could include:

  • playing professional basketball
  • basketball coaching
  • sport and exercise science
  • occupational therapy
  • teaching
  • sport and cultural studies

Tell Me More

Will the course suit me?

You must have a passion for basketball. You will also need to have good time management skills in order to manage coursework, meet assignment deadlines and attend all basketball sessions.

Extra Costs


You will need to purchase the college training kit and tracksuit (available at a discounted price of approx. £50) and you will need to bring appropriate kit for indoor and outdoor activities.

Course Enrichment

On occasion students will be invited to attend trips and visits as part of the course - students will be expected to contribute towards the costs of these trips.

DBS Check
Students will also need a recent DBS check which is currently priced at £52. 


Students in financial hardship may be eligible to apply to the Learner Support Fund for assistance with course related expenses.

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