Advanced Carpentry and Joinery Apprenticeship Standard Level 3

Start Date
Course Course
Construction & Building Trades
City Campus

About this Course

The broad purpose of the occupation is working with building materials (most often wood) to create and install building components. This typically involves shaping and cutting materials, installing finished materials like partitions, doors, staircases, window frames, mouldings, timber floor coverings and erecting structural components such as floor joists and roofs. All work needs to be carried out safely, using the appropriate tools and to the quality specified.

Key Units

This occupation includes two different options and people will either work on a construction site as an Advanced Site Carpenter or in a workshop as an Advanced Architectural Joiner:

Advanced Site Carpenters work on building sites in the construction of domestic and commercial properties, preparing and installing complex and bespoke building components. They prepare, construct and erect irregular and complex roof structures.

Advanced Architectural Joiners are employed in a workshop producing complex building components by setting out, marking out and producing assembled components requiring advanced skilled work including the full range of woodworking machines. There will sometimes be a need for refurbishment/repair work of bespoke pieces. They have an in depth knowledge of a range of manufacturing components from a range of hardwoods and softwoods.

Advanced carpentry and joinery is a core and options Apprenticeship standard. Apprentices must be trained and assessed against the core and one option, either:

  • Advanced site carpenter
  • Advanced architectural joiner

Apprentices will typically spend 15 months on-programme (before the gateway) working towards the occupational standard, with a minimum of 20% off-the-job training.  

Entry Requirements

GCSE grade A - C / 9 - 4 in English and Maths and a Level 2 NVQ (or equivalent) in Carpentry and Joinery 


Assessment method 1: Knowledge test
With the following grades:
• Fail
• Pass
• Distinction
Assessment method 2: Practical test
With the following grades:
• Fail
• Pass
• Distinction
Assessment method 3: Interview underpinned by portfolio of
With the following grades:
• Fail
• Pass
• Distinction
Performance in the EPA will determine the overall apprenticeship
standard grade of:
• Fail
• Pass
• Distinction

Where does this Lead

HNC in Construction at The Sheffield College

Future Opportunities

Full Time Employment

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