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Kryolan Professional Make Up Employer Skills Academy

Kryolan Professional Make Up Employer Skills Academy

The Kryolan Professional Makeup Employer Skills Academy was launched in 2019. This academy is based at our City Campus and supports our Level 3 Theatrical, SFX, Hair and Media Make-Up students. The academy provides students with hands-on opportunities to develop specialist knowledge and skills within the makeup industry.

About Kryolan Professional Make Up Employer Skills Academy

The Kryolan Professional Makeup Employer Skills Academy provides the opportunity for its academy students to take part in Kryolan led masterclasses, workshops and site visits to enhance their College studies. By providing these opportunities it allows all of the academy students to gain hands-on experience and learn from industry experts.

Taking place in a Kryolan branded classroom, set up with Kryolan products and branded resources such as makeup chairs and aprons, students will be exposed to all areas of the professional makeup business and will receive benefits such as:

  • Site Visits to the Kryolan and ScreenFace Store in London
  • Professional Makeup Masterclasses
  • Discounts on Kryolan Products
  • Opportunity to enter Kryolan Competitions

This is a very unique opportunity for students who want to enter the world of professional makeup and masterclasses by Kryolan are usually charged at a professional business rate.

 Academy tour


Kryolan Professional Make-up partnered with The Sheffield College to offer students a different learning experience. The partnership includes access to 18 different workshops that explore all genres of the make-up artistry. The Employer Skills Academy caters for complete beginners to advance levels and we run regular competitions for the students. The students work with our products and learn in a Kryolan branded classroom to demonstrate a professional working environment and prepare them for the world of work. The partnership has developed our relationship with the college and that of it's students to ensure they are able to go further in their careers.

Paul Merchant, Global Head of Make-up for Kryolan

I find that the Kryolan Academy is really beneficial and helpful towards my college work. We are set competitions and challenges by Kryolan which keeps me motivated and pushes me to challenge myself.

Katie Dunkley
Kryolan Professional Make Up Academy Student

Testimonial Katie Dunkley