The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Business & Enterprise Employer Skills Academy was launched in September 2019. The academy showcases a branded space located at our City Campus, although students from all campuses and courses are eligible to become members of this academy. The launch of the academy marks the first time nationally that a British Chamber of Commerce has worked with a further education college in this way.
The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Business & Enterprise Academy encourages students to develop their entrepreneurial skills through a variety of business building workshops and presentations from local business moguls. The workshops are designed to suit students studying any course at the College to provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to go further in their careers.
Workshops have included industry advice from various professionals such as:
The academy has a membership scheme to encourage students to have sustained interaction with us. This means that we can inspire students who are contemplating self-employment or entrepreneurship to develop the skills and knowledge they need to become their own boss.
Click here to read our academy success stories
Students who want to take their skills to the next step can also apply for our StartUp Programme. StartUp is a 10 week programme that is open to all College students (including Apprentices). Students will have the chance to join the programme of activities to support their studies and personal development regarding setting up their own business.
Tom Wolfenden CEO Sheffield Techparks is now working in partnership with the College to provide business set up support and the chance for one lucky student from each cohort to be gifted credits through the cooper project to spend on office space and mentoring support whilst setting up their own business.
This is a good example of the Colleges commitment to the growth of local business and start-ups by developing young people to gain the skills needed to become self-employed.
Course content includes:
Students who become members of this academy will also be highly encouraged to enter local enterprise competitions such as
The Sheffield College
The Sheffield College
Steve Manley, President Sheffield Chamber of Commerce
The Sheffield Chamber of Commerce is a membership organisation put in place to support, connect, and grow local businesses across the Sheffield City Region.
As part of the network, the aim is to provide support, raise awareness of the company profile and reduce business costs. Support is also provided in all areas of business development, marketing, international trade and at a senior level in terms of policy and representation.
Our mutually agreed outcomes for this academy are in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks which we are striving to achieve, as part of our offer to provide a robust career guidance programme. The key benchmarks that support the work-related activity team are:
Ensuring that young people are prepared for the world of work is a joint responsibility for employers, education providers and the government. This exciting collaboration between The Sheffield College and Sheffield Chamber of Commerce will help young people acquire the employability skills they need, to be successful in the workplace and introduce them to the brilliant career opportunities available in the Sheffield area.
Jane Gratton, Head of People Policy, The British Chambers of Commerce
The academy is such a great idea. It teaches you problem-solving skills and it gives you a network of support, builds your self-confidence and makes you resilient.
Naomi Conway
Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Business and Enterprise Academy - Millionaire Member