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  • How to apply for school leavers’ qualifications if you still haven’t done so

    How to apply for school leavers’ qualifications if you still haven’t done so


    If you’ve only just made up your mind about studying with us this September, or you’re still weighing up your options, the good news is that there is still time to apply for a place on one of our qualifications! Keep reading to find out what you need to do to secure your place.

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  • Why our Foundation Degree in Bakery & Patisserie Science is the perfect choice for your future foodie career

    Why our Foundation Degree in Bakery & Patisserie Science is the perfect choice for your future foodie career


    There’s never been a better time to pursue a career in the food industry, particularly in bakery and patisserie (nearly 11 million loaves of bread are sold every day in the UK!), and our Foundation Degree is an ideal way to break into this career field.

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  • HNC Creative Practice: One qualification, multiple career opportunities

    HNC Creative Practice: One qualification, multiple career opportunities


    Regardless of whether you want to study photography, graphic design or media and film-making, our HNC in Creative Practice will help you develop the advanced technical skills and industry knowledge you’ll need to walk into a huge range of careers.

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  • The Sheffield College is awarded £500,000 for T Levels training facilities

    The Sheffield College is awarded £500,000 for T Levels training facilities


    The Sheffield College has been awarded a £500,000 government grant for new industry standard facilities to support the education and training of T Levels students.

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  • Getting the hands-on experience you need for a career in Animal Care has never been easier with a Higher National qualification

    Getting the hands-on experience you need for a career in Animal Care has never been easier with a Higher National qualification


    If you have a love for animals of all shapes and sizes and want to fulfil your passion with a vocation in the animal care industry, getting hands-on, practical experience is one of the best things you can do to jump start your career. Thankfully, Higher National Certificates and Diplomas are designed to do exactly that; equip you real skills and working knowledge that will ensure you’re ready to jump into employment when the time comes. So what makes studying a uni-level qualification in Animal Management at The Sheffield College special?

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  • Exploring the maths for all proposals and the vital role of colleges

    Exploring the maths for all proposals and the vital role of colleges


    As students prepare to collect their GCSE results next month, Kate Wright, Quality Teaching, Learning and Assessment Innovator (Maths) at The Sheffield College, explores the government’s latest proposal to extend maths education to the age of 18.

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  • The Sheffield College achieves Skills for Care quality mark

    The Sheffield College achieves Skills for Care quality mark


    The Sheffield College has achieved a national quality mark for the training that it can provide to upskill staff in the adult social care sector.

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  • Inspirational Sheffield College students celebrated

    Inspirational Sheffield College students celebrated


    The achievements of inspirational Sheffield College students have been celebrated at an annual awards ceremony.

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  • Talented lecturer wins a catering industry ‘Oscar’

    Talented lecturer wins a catering industry ‘Oscar’


    A talented Sheffield College lecturer has won a prestigious national award in the catering and hospitality sector’s equivalent of the Oscars.

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  • The Sheffield College student is a finalist in UK-wide LGBTQ+ awards

    The Sheffield College student is a finalist in UK-wide LGBTQ+ awards


    A Sheffield College student has been shortlisted for a UK-wide award.

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