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What is a Higher Technical Qualification and why should you study one at UC Sheffield?

Updated: 18.10.23

What is a Higher Technical Qualification and why should you study one at UC Sheffield?

What is a Higher Technical Qualification?

A Higher Technical Qualification, also known as an HTQ, is a university-level qualification (such as a Foundation Degree or HND) that includes specialist units that will upskill you with the technical knowledge and abilities required for top-level technical careers.

These Level 4 and 5 qualifications are quality assured by leading educational bodies and designed with employers to ensure that the skills you acquire are the ones local businesses need, making you a highly skilled (and therefore highly desirable!) candidate when it comes to entering the workforce.

Why study a HTQ at UC Sheffield?

HTQs are all about combining the academic knowledge of a university-level qualification with technical skills that you can apply in a workplace setting, so it stands to reason that you would want to learn in an environment where you can do both.

Our facilities are second-to-none and offer you the opportunity to learn and develop your skills in industry-standard environments. Whether that’s developing your sustainable construction techniques in our woodwork, brickwork or electrical installation workshops, or honing your knowledge of healthcare environments in our state-of-the-art medical training facility, complete with NHS-standard hospital beds, and life-size patient mannequins.

Click here to book a place on our next open day to see our facilities first hand.

What subjects are available?

Currently, HTQs are available in construction, computing and health, but new HTQs are being released all the time, so make sure to keep an eye out for new and upcoming qualifications!

What can I do once I complete a Higher Technical Qualification?

Once you finish a HTQ you’ll be qualified for highly-skilled, highly paying jobs straight away. They’re designed to give you the skills employers are looking for so that you can enter the workforce as soon as you graduate.

The current HTQs can open up doors into careers such as Construction Site Supervisors, Quantity Surveying, Sports Coaching, data analysis and even software development.

You’ll also be perfectly placed to undertake further training, such as a Degree Apprenticeship or a Bachelors degree.

How do I find out more?

Why not visit us at our next Open Day so you can speak to our UC Sheffield Team about HTQs and where they can take you? Book your place here.

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