At The Sheffield College we can offer 14 - 16 provision for young people in Year 10 and 11. Places may be available for young people as alternative provision, in agreement with the school, or who are Electively Home Educated, in agreement with the Local Authority.
The Foundation Diploma Art and Design UAL Level 3/Level 4 qualification is an exciting, intensive and rewarding programme of study that is designed to allow you to develop and hone your artistic/designer skills and make informed decisions about your progression opportunities, usually into art and design in higher education.
This course focuses on the practical development and application of knowledge and skills required by anyone wishing to pursue a career in architecture, interior design or product design. The programme is designed to help you to discover and develop your talents, interests and strengths within the spectrum of 3-dimensional design. You will work on live, industry standard briefs and exhibit your work in a final show so that you are prepared for work in industry. You will also take part in trips and visits to local galleries and museums.
The Access to HE Diploma in Education (Early Years) is an intensive one year programme of study. It will equip you with the skills, experience and qualifications to go on to study a range of higher education courses in Early Years and Childhood studies that can then lead to careers in early years education, primary education, further education, safeguarding and family support work.
If you are interested in developing your performance skills and are prepared to work hard to do this, the Extended Diploma will provide the right pathway for you. This exciting course combines a range of practical work with closely related written assignments.